Membership Dues
Members may now pay Scottish Rite dues online, anytime and securely, with a credit card. Please provide the information requested to sign in and follow the instructions. We understand that this is an easier payment method, just a note your local Scottish Rite Center will not receive the full amount because there is a transaction fee of 3% that stays with the National Headquarters of the Supreme Council. May also pay with a Credit Card in the office.
Send your payment to 2800 N. Jefferson, Albany, GA 31701
Give to the General Secretary at the next meeting.
This is the best way because we get to see you. Come to Scottish Rite on the Second Tuesday at 7:00 pm and hand your payment to the Secretary. He can also take a Credit Card at the office.
Knight of the Double Eagle
The Knight of the Double Eagle Awards program recognizes the activities and work of the members of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. The program is outlined below for the Valley of Miami.
Becoming a Knight of the Double Eagle is attained by accumulating points and the presentation of the basic award. All the additional level awards will be made during the annual visit of our Sovereign Grand Inspector General (or Deputy) while in open session. That is, family and friends will be welcomed to watch while you are recognized for your Scottish Rite activity.
To become an active participant in the program members need only sign-in at every Valley event. The sign-in sheet is located in the coallation room.
Award Levels:
500 - Basic medallion with Black ribbon
1,000 - Red hanging bar
1,500 - White hanging bar
2,000 - Blue hanging bar
2,500 - Gold hanging bar
5,000 - Red Medallion ribbon
7,500 - White Medallion ribbon
10,000 - Blue Medallion ribbon
15,000 - Medallion ribbon changed to Red, White and Blue ribbon
20,000 - A gold double-headed eagle pin attached above the medallion
The Valley Membership Achievement Project (“VMAP”) uses a range of implementable activities with the goal of increasing the engagement, involvement, and enjoyment of their members, thereby “Providing Brothers with a Superior Scottish Rite Experience”. The Project tracks progress and completion in ten specific areas of operation:
Membership Recruitment
New Member Engagement
Degree Conferral Proficiency
Reunion Experience
Scottish Rite Education for Candidates
Scottish Rite Education for Members
Officer Responsibilities & Engagement
Philanthropy & Public Image
Membership Retention
Valley Organizations.
Master Craftsmen Program
The Scottish Rite Master Craftsman (SRMC) program is an exciting, correspondence course designed and administered by staff at the House of the Temple in Washington, DC, under the guidance and leadership of the Supreme Council, 33°, of the A&A Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, USA.